Friday the 13th...the beginning of a 3 day weekend for me, and it's my birthday. While thinking about a topic for today, I came across this quote:
"I find a heaven in the midst of saucepans and brooms." St. Stanislaus
Add just a few more elements, and that is my idea of heaven, too. I'm always happiest at home, puttering around--doing something, doing nothing. This is going to be an "at home" weekend, cleaning, fussing, fluffing, and yes--purging. The start of my personal New Year, so to speak.
Of course, a bit of celebrating is on the agenda, too. Dinner out, and a Saturday morning adventure with a friend. Happy Friday!
Image from art.com
Currently Reading: still...Under the Dome
Currently Listening To: The Beatles...everything
Currently Listening To: The Beatles...everything
Happy Birthday!!
Hope you have a wonderful birthday this year on Friday the 13th!
Hope your birthday was a good one. I too am going to start "purging" as well. Not only physical stuff, but some mental stuff. It is time for some changes around here!
Happy, Happy, Happy Birthday!!! Hope it has been a good one!!!
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