For the past several months, it's been my dream to attend UA in their Library and Information Science program. I'm already in a Masters program here at the local university, but I'd really like to be an "official" librarian. Today was my scheduled GRE exam; I've made myself half sick with the worry about it. Verbal, math, and writing skills all boiled down into numbers. The good news is that it's finally finished. The bad news...I don't think my scores are good enough to get into the program. I seem to be math-challenged...no math was involved in the undergraduate program I was in, and it's been 37 years since high school math...and it was not something I excelled in during the early '70s.
On the plus side...now I have more time to blog!
Don't be too hard on yourself. The GRE was the hardest exam I have ever taken bar none.
You may end up pleasantly surprised.
During the exam, I actually heard people around me mumbling words of shock- and some of them were not nice wordfs.
Your blog is lovely-
Oh I hope that you may yet be pleasantly surprised. I have taken tests that I thought I had done well on...nope! And tests that I thought I had flunked...nope!
But I could get excited about your blogging more...
When will you find out how you did? Sometimes, when I think I did bad, I actually wound up doing good. Keeping my fingers crossed for good results.
FYI Update-
My daughter is currently working on her library science masters degree online through the University of North Texas (they have a highly respected program)
Maybe you could brush-up on your math and take the exam again!
I say "bloom where you are planted", OK so that can probably be attributed to Mary Engelbreit, but the sentiment is there. I hated HS math too.
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