Saturday was a beautiful autumn day...a bit brisk, but just beautiful.

Our stops in New Harmony included The Women's Institute and Gallery where we saw a display of monofilament art. The Gallery also has a display honoring the women who have won the Nobel Peace Prize...Heroines of Peace.

~~Monofilament art~~

"The" place for kicking through leaves!

Black and white seemed to be a big theme in Christmas decorating.

More Christmas elegance...

Store fronts on the main drag...

A firehouse turned antique emporium...
One of the larger shops in New Harmony was having an open house...complete with a cooking class, wine tastings, and of course, shopping. No pictures of that shop, but it's called The Mews. It's an endlessly winding shop of old and new, a mixture of antiques, clothing, jewelry, accessories, home decorating, scents, furniture (old) and food. We had a great time.
Black and white for Christmas...hmmm, new trends always seem so unusual. I suppose it could be very elegant.
The example of the monofilament art is lovely.
Hey I enjoyed your blog. I love your header! And I enjoyed the tour. Thanks for posting. Deb
Great pictures! About a week ago, I was wandering around in Hobby Lobby and I noticed black ornaments in a couple locations. I pointed it out to my husband, and commented that this must be "the thing" for this year. I added that I thought they would look good on a white or pink tree. It looks like black ornaments might just be the trend this year all over the country. D~~~~
So it seems that I am not the only middle aged leaf kicker out there, huh?
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