This was such a perfect morning to be outside...we had a bit of rain last night, the air was cool and refreshing, and the birds were chirping away.

The first two pictures are Zebrina Hollyhocks...miniatures that bloom throughout the summer and fall. They only get 3-4 feet tall, and they don't need to be staked. Perfect plants that reseed themselves and require nothing of me.

The little bloom above is a heliotrope. It has the most wonderful scent...its nickname is the "cherry pie plant". Definitely an old fashioned bloom.

Sweet basil...my favorite herb of choice. Great scent, prolific, and so good with tomatoes. I picked a bunch this morning and put it in a glass of water in the fridge.

The tomato crop...can't wait until they turn red!

Acorn squash...my first attempt at growing this. I can't believe how much they've grown since the weekend.

The "secret garden"...between the houses. There's lots of interesting things growing here, but I need to weed before I photograph this.

A very blurry shot of Spiderwort...but that blue is so brilliant...had to include it!
I love seeing what's growing in other folks' gardens. So many wonders to be discovered in other parts of the country. Thank you for sharing your lovely pictures.
How well your garden grows. I would love some home grown tomatoes just about now.
Your spiderwort is ahead of mine!
The basil looks so good that I want to snip some for tonight's supper.
I wish you could have seen the gardens at the pioneer village in Spring Mill. It was incredible! I got to nibble on a buffet of mint types!
I'll send pictures ASAP.
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