Thank goodness for DVDs! One rough weekend day at work down, one to go...sometimes it seems like all of local humanity saves that trip to the library for Saturday afternoon and Sunday...busy, busy, busy. Last night, in an effort to relax I watched two movies--Stephen King's
The Mist (please don't bother---I like "scary stuff" and this was just a bit of fluff to watch while I did other things---fixing dinner, sorting laundry---)it was ooey and gooey, but scary? Not so much. Ridiculous---yeah, that's the word for it. I debated on which movie to watch later in the evening---it turned out to be a Javier Bardem film fest, of sorts---I decided to watch
No Country for Old Men. More blood, guts, and buzzin' flies--but a good story. Not too sure about the ending though.

A co-worker recommended
Love in the Time of Cholera---Benjamin Bratt and Javier Bardem--I'm saving this one for this evening, kind of a pre-new season of
The Tudors kickoff.

I can't believe how I'm anticipating the new season of this show. We're having a bit of a "premiere" party here this evening--a work friend and my daughter will be sitting front row and center for
The Tudors---complete with appetizers and drinks (no glogg this time--it's a work night). We all "love" Jonathan Rhys Meyers...the show is edgy---way too much sex---but it's a good story.
A few weeks ago, I watched
August Rush (starring JRM)---if you suspended belief, this was an okay movie. Definitely in the chick flick genre, many missed connections---but the true star of the film is the young boy. What talent!
I cannot believ that your library is open on Sundays. We have such tight budgets in all the towns nearby that the libraries are open limited hours and with the newest crunches predicted many town libraries will not be open at all. So sad!
Aren't movie weekends the best? Hope that you're still enjoying yours and that the next movie is beyond great.
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