My daughter will be celebrating her 21st birthday in May, and since I'm "crafty mom" and not "big bucks mom" I've been trying to come up with something special to commemorate this big birthday. I've had the urge to make a crown for her...a fun way to mark the big 21. For the past several months, I've toyed with this idea...and finally ordered the book last week. What a fun book! There are so many great crowns (and crown-makers) featured in this publication. I've narrowed my choices to 2--so I will be accumulating crown-making ephemera in the next few weeks.
The painting pictured under the book above is one my daughter's boyfriend (the art major) did of her---I call it Fairy of the Ginkos. See more of his art here.
Wow! That is a fabulous painting! I think the crown idea will be a great keepsake for her. Don't forget to post a picture after you give it to her. :-) Rosie
That is a great painting... very special for her to have. A crown sounds marvelous for a 21st birthday. You'll share it with us I hope!
A crown is a brilliant idea for her 21st birthday. I love the whole concept of it. The book you showed is one I've been considering; now I'm thinking I need to get it and make something fun. What a great painting of your daughter and what a wonderful name her boyfriend has given it.
This book really looks inviting. A crown is such a lovely idea. She will cherish it always. Karen
Hello Teresa...
I love, love, love the idea of the crown for your daughter!!! What a special gift...and great memory!! Also, love that picture, it is really wonderful!!
Hi Teresa,
the book is fab I own it too, so many beautiful examples for great crowns! I love Pam Garrisons and Nicol Sayres crowns best. Great idea to make one for your daughters 21 b-day. My daughter will become 21 next January maybe I should make her one as well. Talking about time change it's this upcoming weekend here in Germany and I so can't wait to get one hour more daylight when I come home from the office! Btw I popped by to ask you if you have meanwhile gotten the sweet nest swap parcel which I sent off to you 3 weeks ago? I was hoping that you would get it in time for Easter because I sent it by airmail for 25 bugs and they said it should't take more than 10 to 15 days. Just thought you would like to know it must get to you anytime now!
Best wishes from Germany sends you
Carol xox
P.S. No sight of your nest parcel here either yet!
I hope you post the crown!
Your daughter's boyfriend is really talented :)
Have a great night,
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