
Upcoming Trip

Photo-AOL City Guide

The Cherry Blossom Festival will be over, but I'm sure there will be some beautiful sights to see mid-week when my class has its final trip of the program. We'll be heading to Washington, D.C. for a whirlwind trip including the Holocaust Museum, the Hirshhorn, National Cathedral, Arlington National Cemetary, and the National Art Gallery.

We've made several trips as a class over the past three years...a long weekend visit to Shaker Village in Pleasant Hill, Kentucky with side trips to the Abbey of Gethsemani, and and overnight stay with the Sisters of Charity of Nazareth~~for a World Religions class; a daytrip to the north of Evansville for a visit to the Amish, and a long weekend (which was much-dreaded, but very much enjoyed) to the Pine Mountain Settlement School in eastern Kentucky~~for environmental science.

Let's just hope that Delta doesn't decided to ground all of their flights this week...


Vee said...

You'll have a wonderful time, I'm sure. How can you go wrong with all the sights that Washington, D.C. has to offer? There should be plenty of gorgeous spring flowers to delight your readers with even if the cherry blossoms have passed.

Rue said...

I love it when those trees finally bloom :)


Junie Moon said...

You'll have such a delightful time. There are tons of things to do and see there.

Tara said...

Wow, what a great time of year to be there! enjoy it!

Kathy said...

You will have a wonderful time! I adore the National Gallery. The view from Arlington is something to remember forever. Enjoy! Kathy

Catching Up

  It's been awhile...as usual, not much going on.  As I look through photos on my phone, I decided to do a little blog post. Last Monday...